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Workouts& Training With Wyatt

Bring your questions, your friends, and get ready to hone in on your climbing goals with intuitive and friendly training with seasoned climber Wyatt!

These sessions can be taken separately or all together. 

Topics for each session:
Session 1 - Lifting for Climbing: Off the wall climbing warm ups, training protocols, and exercises for injury prevention.
Are you hitting a climbing plateau? Do you see the work out section of climbing gyms and think "What is all this nonsense?" Are you a workout fiend looking for climbing specific workouts? If you answered YES to any of those questions, this clinic is for you! In this session we will focus on exercises you can do to support your climbing. Beginning with a proper off-the-wall warm up, off the wall climbing specific exercises, a rough work out plan you can incorporate 1-2 times a week, and finishing up with a few of my favorite ways to prevent injuries. Hope to see you there!

Session 2 - Translating Fitness into Climbing: On the wall technique drills and workouts to get the most out of your session.
In this clinic we will de-mystify "climbing technique" and begin to identify how to translate your fitness into climbing performance. If you are having trouble "using your feet", "keeping tension", or getting to end of climbs without enough energy to finish, this clinic is for you! We will begin the session with some on-the-wall warm ups, move into some key technique drills to work through common faux-paus, and finish up with some on the wall work outs to maximize your energy systems for whatever your projects are.

Session 3 - Maximizing your Gains: How to project and push grades efficiently.
Good projecting tactics can make the difference between a clean red point and yet another fall on the last few moves. In this session we will dive into how to properly structure a max effort session, how to approach each climb to maximize your resources (time, skin, energy, etc.), and techniques to ensure have the best beta possible. This will be a guided projecting session where the group will move between areas so everyone can work through projects they are working out. Coach Wyatt will provide key insights on tactics, beta, and movement techniques to ensure you get one step closer to adding a new climb to the tick list. All abilities welcome, please come with 1-2 boulders/rope routes in each are of the gym you are ready to work on.