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Camper Pick Up & Drop Off

How does pick up/drop off work?

Pick up and drop off always happen at Petra Cliffs. Campers will leave the gym for their activities, but will always start and finish the day at the gym. Drop off in the morning begins at 9AM and pick up is at 4PM. 

It is advised that on Monday, the first day of camp, you arrive early enough so that your camper can find their group’s Base Camp, and get introduced to their counselors before our Camp-wide meeting takes place. This will also allow time to make sure we have your necessary paperwork in order so that your child can participate fully in the week of camp.

Each day parents or authorized picker-upper must sign campers in AND out at the start and end of the day.  

Can someone other than myself pick up/drop off my child?

Only individuals whom you have authorized will be allowed to pick up your child from camp. You can designate specific individuals when you register for camp or by submitting written permission when you drop your camper off on Monday.