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Rock Talk with GeneO and Demery

Join Petra Cliffs Nature Programming Staff for a Friday evening where we talk about the rocks in and around Vermont, how climbing varies among different rock types, as well as the ethics of climbing outdoors in our region. Participants will learn about local and regional geology, how to follow LNT practices while at the crag, and how our local Climbing Resource Access Group (CRAG- VT) operates.

The program includes a two-part friendly Geology-Themed Climbing Competition! Participants climb boulders around the gym with the intention of figuring out if the hold is most similar to Sedimentary, Metamorphic or Igneous rock in order to better understand how geology affects climbing movement. You will be put into teams and do not have to climb just speculate about the rock type to earn points!

This event is perfect for someone interested in the geology behind rock climbing, responsible use of our climbing resources or someone who is looking to get climbing outside and wants to know more about climbing areas in our region.

Free for Petra Cliffs or CRAG-VT members - $10 to the public, please sign up ahead of time